Info For Medical Patients
We believe that ALL cannabis use is medical use, because no matter why you use the plant, it promotes wellness. There are countless health benefits to using cannabis products and we want to help empower your well-being with some resources and information for medical cannabis patients.
Get Your Medical Recommendation
If you use cannabis for any health related reason, you may qualify as a Medical Patient and be eligible for discounts, higher daily limits, and other benefits that come from getting a medical cannabis recommendation.
Need to get your recommendation quickly? We recommend Dr. Weedy or OnlineMedicalCard – they both offer an easy online consultation with a doctor that you can complete in as little as ten minutes with your phone. Use our referral links to save on your annual recommendation fee or renewal!
Our Compassion Program with Dear Cannabis
Since the 90s, California had an amazing Medical Cannabis program under Proposition 215 that allowed countless patients to access medicine safely. It was pioneered by leaders in the movement like Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary in San Francisco, who eased the suffering of patients suffering from AIDS. Thanks to their efforts, California led the way for medical access to the plant for decades.
Then when the state passed Prop 64 and legalized cannabis for recreational use in 2018, that program was effectively erased. It wasn’t until a bill was passed in the California State Senate that medical access was incorporated back into the legal framework. Under CA Senate Bill 34 (The Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary Act), activists and organizations like Dear Cannabis created a platform for licensed companies to contribute to compassion projects that eliminate product costs for medical marijuana patients in need, and allow cannabis patients to access the medicine they need at local dispensaries like us!
Thanks to our partnership with Dear Cannabis (which you can read more about here), patients are able to bring in their recommendations and once verified, they can pick up donated compassion products at no charge!
We are thrilled to be able to offer this medicine to patients who need it, all thanks to Dear Cannabis, who works with farmers, suppliers and manufacturers to prepare donated product and offer it to patients for free. You’ll find many of your favorite wellness brands available as compassion products, and you can pick up one of each donated product up to once per week. Just bring in your Medical Recommendation paperwork and we’ll get you signed up!

Learn More about cannabis as medicine from Doobie News

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