11th Day of 4/20: Pure Beauty & Raw Garden AprilApr 11 2022 10:00am - 08:00pm

Monday the 11th we'll have Pure Beauty and Raw Garden in the house. Pure Beauty's thoughtful cultivation practices and the good energy surrounding their flower in their life cycle creates robust terpene profiles, with a strong nose that—when you smoke it—you will understand the world in a different way. Raw Garden's unique harvesting process utilizes a state-of-the-art Cryogenic freezing technique to capture and lock in the whole essence of the plant while it is still fresh and alive, before it can dry out and lose any of its natural flavors and aromas. When you puff on Raw Garden, you're inhaling 100% pure extract and terpenes with zero additives.

Doobie Deals:
Get 25% off all Pure Beauty products all day.
Get 25% off all Raw Garden products all day.
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